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Hotfix 98.1 and safe update

Happy Friday the 13th! We’re removing the DALLAS and SPUTNIK safes. As of next thursday, on May 19th they’ll forever fade away from the game. But don’t fret, all acquired skins from DALLAS and SPUTNIK will of course stay put in your inventory! So play like crazy until thursday and stock up on those, soon-to-be-antique skins! And remember, a new safe is around the corner! Update 98.1 changelog Update size: 16.9 mb Levels Jewelry Store Fixed an issue with some missing textures Removed a collision that did not spawn correctly…
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PAYDAY 2: The Sydney Character Pack, update 98 and skills beta update 4 are live!

Heisters! The Sydney Character Pack is out So it’s time to shake hands with our latest addition to the PAYDAY crew: Sydney. Born and raised in Australia, she’s not the one to dodge out of a fight - rather the opposite. All grown up on whatever punk rock music she could get her hands on - she became a true anarchist - but far from a pacifist. Check out the website!: Sydney Character Pack Teaser Trailer Sydney Character Pack Spotlight Update 98 changelog Update size: 1.8…
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PAYDAY 2: Sydney the heister Teaser and info on DreamHack Austin!

Introducing Sydney The PAYDAY gang has members from all corners of the world. And now it’s time for Australia to show their worth. Check out the teaser below! The Sydney Character Pack will be released on May 12th for 4.99$. More information on her will be released next week. DreamHack Austin Today DreamHack Austin open up its huge doors and lets gamers, fans and cosplayers go bananas, head-to-head and wild when it comes to all sorts of games and other fantastic digital stuff! Of course, we at OVERKILL will…
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PAYDAY 2: Skills Beta Update 3 is live

Heisters, We’re now live with a small update to the Skills Beta. Skills beta update 3 changelog Update size: 20.3 MB Skills beta Grinder healing effect should now last for the proper time duration Locomotive, Street Sweeper, Judge, Mosconi and Joceline will not suffer from ammo penalty anymore Unavailable skills on the Breacher tree have been removed Fixed an issues where you could get infinite skill points Fixed an issue where some skill points could not be removed Fixed an issue where the game would crash when using the skill…
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PAYDAY 2: Skills Beta update 2 and the Skills Beta for SteamOS is live

Heisters, We’re now live with an update to the Skills Beta and it's now also available for SteamOS. Time to get updated So we’ve been gathering a lot of feedback, ideas and bugs from you since the release of the Skills Beta. And we’re constantly working on fixing stuff. Now we’ve updated the Beta with some changes and fixes. As per usual we want to be thanking the players as you keep blasting in the Beta version and throwing whatever you might find or run into our way! One extra…
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PAYDAY 2: Skills beta update 1 and update 97.7 are live

Heisters, We’re now live with with update 97.7 and an update to the skills beta. Patch up time So the skills beta has been live for almost 24 hours and we’re releasing our first patch. You’ve given us a lot of feedback, thoughts, ideas and last but not least bug reports. But this first patch is not focused on all that stuff - just the crucial issues that crashes the game. So this will be a smaller, but necessary patch to make sure that you can continue playing the beta.…
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PAYDAY 2: The skills beta and update 97.6 are live!

Heisters! We’re now live with the skills beta and update 97.6! Update 97.6 changelog Update size: 115.3 MB Levels Armored Transport Changed the rotation of the C4 interaction icons on the trucks First World Bank The computer will now have an outline Boiling Point Fixed an issue where the last body did not give any exp Hotline Miami Bile will no longer use a police helicopter Fixed an issue where bags would appear at an inactive secure zone The Bomb: Dockyard Fixed an issue where only the first pile of…
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PAYDAY 2: Update 97.5

Heisters, We're live with a hotfix. Hotfix 97.5 changelog Update size: 22.4 MB Levels Fixed an issue on the Cook Off Job where the escape van doors would not open if more than 3 bags of loot had been secured Have a great weekend everyone and make sure to try out the akimbo SMGs that we launched yesterday! Andreas OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Update 97.3

Heisters, We're live with update 97.3 Check out the website to read more about the update: Update 97.3 changelog Update size: 334.5 MB Black Market Added the Jimmy Safe and the Jimmy Drill General Fixed a graphical issue where the hand would clip with the gloves when playing as Jimmy and using Electrical Brass Knuckles, 350K Brass Knuckles and Specialist Knives Fixed a graphical issue where the arm would look broken when playing as Bodhi or Jimmy and using the Lion's Roar Rifle Fixed a graphical issue where the…
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PAYDAY 2: Welcome to the PAYDAY 2 Tournament!

Let's do this! Heisters, Like many of you already know, we're hosting a PAYDAY 2 Tournament across the globe together with our partner DreamHack. In order to make it more clear, we're going live with its very own website. Next stop is Austin, Texas with the total cash prize of $30.000; every day during three days one crew is going to walk away with $10.000. And yes, it can be the same crew - best time wins. Read more on the official website by clicking the picture above or the…
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