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PAYDAY 2: Update 130 Shadow Warrior Collaboration

Heisters and Thugs!We're proud to announce the first collaboration of 2017 with is with our ninja friends at Flying Wild Hog. Did you ever want to dash and slice through mutated fleas or other demonic creatures?In that case you should definitly check out "Shadow Warrior 2" which from today on has Dallas waiting for you as a Co-Op Skin! You heard right, Dallas entered the Ninja Universe and is ready to kick demonic asses in style with his AMCAR or Money Bundle!Demons And NinjasAfter coming back from his first field…
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UPDATE 129: Chinese New Year!

Year of the Fire Rooster!In celebration of the Chinese New Year we thought you might want to heist in style.So we asked Overkill_victor to create a beautiful mask for us.The mask is free for anyone who owns Payday 2.Keep that bulldozer under fire.OVERKILL_Joakim (Beardmaster at the office) Via: Steam Community
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OVERKILL plays with Community members

OVERKILL_Jules and OVERKILL_Tobias will play with some members of the community.The players are the winners of the challenges that were posted to OVERKILL_Jules earlier this month.They faced off against OVERKILL_Jules in a few different game to earn the place on the stream.We will be talking with them and try to answers their questions as best we can. While playing trying not to embarrassed ourselfs in out own game.The stream will start at 16:00 GMT+1 Via: Steam Community
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OVERKILL_ Jules will stream with a couple of Tobiases and a Trailer guy

OVERKILL invites you to watch a stream with OVERKILL_Jules and OVERKILL_Tobias as they are joined by the OVERKILL_Wraith (aka Tobias #2) the game writer for Payday 2 and OVERKILL_Micke the Cinematic Lead at Starbreeze.We will be playing a few heist and answer questions about the wonderful lore for Payday 2 and the fantastic Trailers.The stream will start at 17:00 GMT+1Click the link below Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Scarface Safe and Update 128 is live! Merry Xmas!

Heisters! Merry Xmas! The end of 2016 is here and what a year it has been! We’ve released tons of content for PAYDAY 2 both free and DLC. The Hardcore Packs, the Skins Workshop, Biker Packs and Scarface Packs to name a few. Watch a Almir WITHOUT A BEARD summarize the year: It’s been great to check out your thoughts and feedback on our work and we appreciate your support as we continue to work on this great game! Scarface Safe Jacket found a safe in Miami and brought…
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PAYDAY 2: ALMIR'S BEARD GONE and wrap-up of 2016!

HEISTERS! In this video, we wrap up the year, talking about stuff that's happened these past 12 months and how the year's been for us all. We also followed yours truly to the barber where we removed my beard, having lost it to the PAYDAY community in support of Georgia's charity Arts Bridging the Gap to fight poverty in the United States. The PAYDAY community managed to help reach 147% of the goal of the charity, amounting to a whopping 35.256 US dollars. That's awesome! Well done everyone and…
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Want to visit our studio?

A lil somethin somethin: Heisterinos! Want to visit OVERKILL and Starbreeze? Check out the rules here: (in Swedish, google translate is your friend) ALSO SCARFACE - we added Scarface to PAYDAY 2. Have an awesome weekend! Via: Steam Community
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