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The Auction Is About To Start!

Today we release the Shackelthorne Auction heist and a nice cocktail to go with it. Sneak in under the cover of the rainy night or just proudly walk in guns in hands. The isolated mansion in New England offers the perfect heisting opportunity for the PAYDAY gang. You need to get your hands on something that was lost for a very long time, a priceless artifact.While downloading the update; check out the heist and its backstory as well as the latest cocktail recipe on the event site: ICEBREAKERUpdate 185.0 ChangelogUpdate…
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Cocktail Competition

Hello party goers!We hope you are having fun gaming with Joy and perhaps you’ve already tried to mix a Blood Diamond? Today we won’t add new content to the game, you will have to hold out till tomorrow, but we do have a small contest for you.Today’s webpage has a new lovely drink for our heisters. However it’s unnamed and you can come up with a fun, clever or interesting PAYDAY-esque name.To partake or read more about the contest follow this link: Cocktail CompetitionAt the end of the contest, we…
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Oh Joy! Let The Event Begin!

Exactly today, 5 years ago on the 13th of August 2013, PAYDAY 2 officially released on steam. What better way to celebrate such anniversary by kicking off an event?ICEBREAKER has officially started and guess who arrives first? Joy is making her pc debut and directly proofs herself useful by helping the gang with the auction invitation. What appears to be an impossible task to most of us, looks like easy cake when she starts playing her keyboard just like a piano! Joy comes with her own “Hacker” Perk Deck, Akimbo…
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It's Time To Break The Ice

Heisters, since this summer feels a bit different, at least weather-wise, therefore, we used the AC in our office to stay cool and created something out of the ordinary for you! Like never before, we decided to have a small event this summer! We don’t plan to make this event an annual thing just like Spring Break or Crimefest. Enough small talk, stack up on fans for your gaming corner this weekend, because next week it’s ICEBREAKER time!Like Spring Break and Crimefest, ICEBREAKER will follow the same structure, means content…
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PAYDAY 2: Definitely A Flamethrower

What’s good Heisters?For all you pyromaniacs out there, today we release the MA-17 Flamethrower, a secondary weapon that is the perfect addition to any "BUUUURN!" loadout.No Fire extinguisher sold separatelyNo taxes and shippingNo additional fees for any ordersCustomers can not receive a full refund if not happyShipping starts right nowMay not be used on Shadow Raid, Murky station, Car Shop, The Yacht, and Breakin' FedsAdditionally, we decided to make some changes to the old Flamethrower. While being powerful in close quarter, the limited ammo pool encouraged players to tap the…
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PAYDAY 2: Design Contest: The Russian Medic

Hello HeistersLast week we released the Enemy Visual Update, however, one guy that shone with his absence was the Russian Medic. We got the great suggestion to make a contest out of creating the Medic. We liked the idea and thought you would love the chance to be involved with the development of the game and score some sweet Ultimate Edition Codes.The ContestThe contest will run for 2 weeks during the time you have the chance to submit your design in the contest thread in the forum. Final date for…
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PAYDAY 2: Enemy Visual Update

What’s good Heisters?Today is the last day of the Steam Summer Sale and it looks like our dear friends in law enforcement freed up some budget to upgrade their gear. With today’s update, we are not only filling the missing spaces for the ZEALs, but also took a second look at our full units lineup, that has been evolving over the years. Our main goal was to increase the readability on each difficulty and between all the individual units to help players decide their next target while being in a…
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PAYDAY 2: Community Safe 7

Heisters, it’s time for some fashion statements. Designers young and old have uploaded their weapon skins and you voted on them! Today we release the Community Safe 7 which includes 16 new Skins. Use the “BUFF” skin to get a feel of how it would look like to pull off a Heist using toy guns. You prefer it classy and want a gun your enemies will remember? Our new legendary “FIRMAMENT” skin will definitely make a lasting impression!Check out the website if you want to see all skins or learn…
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It's Summer Sale Heisters!

What's good Heisters?I don't know how your weather looks like, but in Sweden it's currently raining which makes it the perfect time to start the Steam Summer Sale. For the whole duration of the Summer Sale your favorite Franchise will be heavily discounted.-50% PAYDAY 2-80% PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition-80% PAYDAY The Heist-80% PAYDAY The Heist: Wolfpack DLC-80% PAYDAY The Heist: SoundtrackEveryone in your Crew is a PAYDAY The Heist veteran but you never played it? You still haven’t upgrade to the Ultimate Edition? Now is the time!Sun’s out, guns out!OVERKILL_symNOVERKILL…
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PAYDAY 2: Update 181.1

A little hotfix just in time for the weekend! We noticed an issue related to our change regarding the auto-kick function that now triggered on overuse of all throwables. Since we need more time to check what exactly is causing the issue, we first of all reverted the change.Enjoy the weekend,OVERKILL_symNOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Update 181.1 ChangelogUpdate size: 15.9 MbGeneralReverted the “auto-kick will now trigger on overuse of all throwables” change Via: Steam Community
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