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Operation Medic Bag: Update #21 – Mask Mania

For this week’s topic, we need to take a step back. Back in time that is! It was the year of our lord, 2023, and the PAYDAY marketing team were asked to invent an event (I’m keeping it, I don’t care how it sounds) to help boost our playtimes and engage our then upset playerbase. So awoken from our stupors, the Starbreeze team of highly trained marketing professionals sat down and got their creative juices flowing. Nothing was off the table, we put every conceivable and inconceivable idea forward. Among…
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Operation Medic Bag: Update #20 – Trip Laser

Hello, heisters! This is Miodrag “Mio” Kovačević, game director on PAYDAY 3, and today I’d like to talk to you about the trip laser, our new tool that’s coming in a future update. The trip laser (name subject to change) is a new marking tool meant for both loud and stealth gameplay. As the name implies, it is a laser that you place on any non-NPC surface (but it’s not a mine, so it won’t explode - we’ll save that for the future). Once any NPC walks through the laser,…
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PAYDAY 3 x Alienware

Starbreeze is partnering with our old friends at Alienware to offer the slick looking Alien mask in PAYDAY yet again. Here’s how to get it: Sign up to Alienware Arena if you don’t already have an account. Log into your Starbreeze Nebula page and navigate to Linked Accounts. Click the “+Link Account” button, and follow the steps to connect the Alienware Arena account. Done! The mask should appear in-game after a restart. The post PAYDAY 3 x Alienware appeared first on PAYDAY Official Site.
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Operation Medic Bag: Update #19 – Boys in Blue Showcase

Hey heisters, Since Boys in Blue launched yesterday, we wanted to continue on the theme and discuss the team’s design philosophy regarding parts of the DLC content’s design. This is partially a look behind the scenes, partially a celebration of the team’s work. We asked team members from the level design, art, design, and audio teams questions and allowed them to highlight their team’s contributions. Fair warning: This is a long blog! This editor will not continue to ramble, and we’ll go straight into it! The Heist Emil, Senior Level…
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PAYDAY 3: Update 1.2.0 Changelog – Boys in Blue

PAYDAY 3 services are currently offline to implement this update. We'll update this page once the game is available to play. Known Issues Heist: Going loud after securing all optional servers on Syntax Error, will make the main loot unsecurable, preventing the heist from being completed Social: Accepting lobby invites via Shell on Epic Games Store doesn't work properly. Playing a tutorial will prevent the social menu from being opened, going into the "game mode" menu will reset it. Solo Mode: Players are able to start a solo mode heist…
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Operation Medic Bag: Update #18 – Get Lucky

It’s your lucky day, heisters! Everyone’s favorite trash-talking thief from the Emerald Isle is back to bust some skulls. That’s right: Clover is coming to PAYDAY 3 as a free heister, along with a stack of other free content, as part of the Boys in Blue Update that comes out beside the DLC next week! Clover returns to the States with a score to settle. After the clowns retired five years ago, she moved back to her former neighborhood in Dublin with some free time and a lot of spare…
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PAYDAY 3: Dev Update 06

This Dev Update focus on everything that’s coming in the Boys in Blue DLC, as well as its accompanying free update. Links to mentioned blogs: DLC Pricing topic The post PAYDAY 3: Dev Update 06 appeared first on PAYDAY Official Site.
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PAYDAY 3: Dev Update 06

This Dev Update focus on everything that’s coming in the Boys in Blue DLC, as well as its accompanying free update. Links to mentioned blogs: DLC Pricing topic The post PAYDAY 3: Dev Update 06 appeared first on PAYDAY Official Site.
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Operation Medic Bag: Update #17 – DLC Pricing & Compensations

Hello Heisters! In this post, we’ll be going through our thoughts regarding the DLC pricing changes we promised as part of Operation Medic Bag. We’ll discuss the changes we want to make versus the changes we’re able to make, and how we try to find the best of both worlds. This is a big topic, so let’s jump right in. We’re going to start with a little bit of background, for context, but if you’re only looking at what we are planning to do next, you can skip ahead to…
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PAYDAY 3 Server Infrastructure Testing

Hey heisters, A little bit of a service announcement to make sure the community is aware of what’s happening! Starting from June 13th 14:00 CEST at 14:00 CEST, we will be testing improvements to the server infrastructure for PAYDAY 3. The aim is that this test remains active over the weekend as a perpetual test, but of course our teams and partners will be monitoring stability so that if an issue arises it can be resolved quickly, or we revert to our previous infrastructure as required. What this means for…
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