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PAYDAY 2: Day 1 of the Gage Chivalry Pack is here!

By PAYDAY 2 HEISTERS! It's time to explore the art of ancient warfare and get medieval on some asses! We've all seen that the McCendrick Museum of Ancient Art has been pimping a new exhibition. And it is a beauty. No boring crap like broken piss-pots or weaved-reed rugs. Those guys have somehow persuaded the Royal War Museum in London to loan them ALL of their medieval weapons and armor. Advance ticket sales are through the roof. So it's a shame no-one will get to see them. Gage greased a few palms,…
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PAYDAY 2: Update 76 is live!

Update 76 is here! It contains a couple of fixes along with the secret "?"-mask for those of you who attended PAYDAYCON. Congratulations and thank you for coming! We will be giving these codes out from time to time by ourselves and through PAYDAY streamers and community events. If you didn't get them yet, more opportunities will come. Update 76 Update size: 117.4 MB Audio Added variations for Jiro’s scream when swinging the Katana during Assault Phase Added a VO line for Jiro when picking up Gage packages Fixed an…
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Out of town excursion: PAYDAYCON 2015 is happening! By popular vote, the first ever PAYDAYCON is happening in Seattle, WA on the 28th of August. The event is free on a first come, first serve basis. Read all about the event here: Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Update 75 and Jiro the Yakuza are live!

By PAYDAY 2 Check out the website here! Update 75 and the Yakuza Character Pack are live! Update size: 292 MB Read the change log at the website! Let's do this! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: The Yakuza Character Pack!

By PAYDAY 2 Check out the website here! The Yakuza Character Pack comes out tomorrow! The Yakuza are one of the most feared crime syndicates in the world. Ruled by the ninkyo and lead by the Oyabun, the Yakuza are known for their strict code of conduct, organized nature and the tattoos that cover their entire bodies. An outcast and a dropout from society, the Yakuza knows how it is to fend for himself. While he appears gentle, he is not to be taken lightly. The update goes live tomorrow. Almir…
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BREAKING: Houston is coming to PAYDAYCON!

Heisters, If you already didn't know, PAYDAYCON 2015 is happening! By popular vote, the first ever PAYDAYCON is happening in Seattle, WA this Friday on the 28th of August. The event is free on a first come, first serve basis. Read all about the event here: Derek Ray, the actor behind Houston is coming! Guys, we're very excited to confirm that Houston himself is coming to PAYDAYCON! Don't act dumb and make sure you come to the event. See you there! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam…
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THC 36 Hour Charity Stream starting NOW!

Hey everyone! The Heisters' clan is proud to announce the 3rd 36h Charity event! We will be hosting a 36 hour charity stream, starting today, right now! All donations will be given to the Action Against Hunger organization: for bettering the lives of the unfortunate. There will be many give-aways available, including some of those rare E3 masks that many people may be looking for. So we urge you to drop by and say hello! It's not necessary to donate (Though those are always appreciated). The stream can be found…
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PAYDAY 2: 3 Million Community Members!

3 million community members! Heisters, Today we reached 3 million community members here in our Steam group. It's an amazing feat, and we're the first community to ever do so. I can't tell you how thankful and happy we in the OVERKILL crew are of your support. The past few years have been amazing for us and we continue to do our best to entertain you guys while keeping PAYDAY 2 fresh with new content every other week. As you all know, we will continue supporting PAYDAY 2 with…
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PAYDAY 2 Free Weekend and 75% Sale, Hotfix 74.1 and Yakuza Character Pack Trailer!

Heisters! What a lovely day! 3 things going on today! One is the free weekend and sale that starts right now, two is the Yakuza Character Pack trailer that you can check out below, and three is today's hotfix that fixes some erroneous perk deck texts. PAYDAY 2: Yakuza Character Pack Trailer PAYDAY Free Weekend and Sale! Starting today at 10AM PST, for the rest of the weekend PAYDAY 2 will be free-to-play and have as much as 75% off across the board! Anything PAYDAY: The Heist is also…
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PAYDAYCON 2015 in Seattle on the 28th of August

Heisters, PAYDAYCON 2015 is happening! By popular vote, the first ever PAYDAYCON is happening in Seattle, WA on the 28th of August. The event is free on a first come, first serve basis. Read all about the event here: We hope to see you there! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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