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PAYDAY 2: Hotfix 92.1 is live

Heisters, We're live with hotfix 92.1. Hotfix 92.1 changelog Hotfix size: 19.9 MB Santa's Workshop Fixed an issue with the "Euro Bag Simulator" achievement where only the present loot bags counted as loot Fixed an issue where enemies passed through walls Fixed an issue related to the behaviour of the elves when they got interrupted by law enforcers Weapons Fixed an issue with the concealment on the Arkansas Toothpick melee weapon Localization Fixed a localization issue on the Valkyria Rifle Fixed a localization issue in the Side Jobs window Have…
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PAYDAY 2: The 3rd Xmas heist is here and Update 92 is live!

Heisters! The Santa's Workshop Heist is live! Ho ho ho! We're finally live. Check it out: Update 92 Update size: 2.4GB Update size for soundtrack owners: 2.7GB Check the website to see everything from update 92 and the full changelog! We've got another update in store for next week that you can read about on the website as well. Enjoy and have a great weekend! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Hotfix 91.1

By PAYDAY 2 Bodhi and the Point Break heists are live Check it out: PAYDAY 2 Tournament at DreamHack Moscow cancelled DreamHack informed us that the DreamHack Moscow event is cancelled, which means we can't have a tournament there. We've been asked to pick another event next year for this tournament. We hope we can have a PAYDAY 2 tournament in Moscow in the future. The next tournament will be in Leipzig, Germany in January 2016. See you there! Hotfix 91.1 changelog Update size: 28,1 MB Fixed a…
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PAYDAY 2: Bodhi and the Point Break heists are live!

By PAYDAY 2 Bodhi and the Point Break heists are live Check it out: Update 91 changelog Update size: 3.9 GB Check the website to see everything you get + the full changelog! Please restart Steam if the update isn't downloading. Enjoy! Almir OVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Day 2 and the Introduction of Bodhi

By PAYDAY 2 Bodhi Joins the PAYDAY Gang! Bodhi, a legendary heister has been personally invited by Bain to join the PAYDAY gang. The best part? He's free for everyone in the PAYDAY 2 community. The Man Behind the Mask Bodhi is known as one of the greatest legends in world of crime, but few know the man behind the mask. As the founding father of the Ex-Presidents gang, Bodhi's renowned in the criminal underworld for his extreme athleticism and daring heists. His recent feats of strength in Mumbai and Austria got…
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PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists and Bodhi are here!

PAYDAY 2: The Point Break Heists are here! Crime Has No Limit We're proud to announce a collaboration between PAYDAY 2 and Point Break, a dream come true for us developers. For those of you who've been playing PAYDAY games since the first one came out, you know Point Break was one of the heist movies that was the core inspiration for PAYDAY. Bodhi's Pool Repair, anyone? Two new heists will be available come Thursday; Beneath the Mountain and Birth of Sky. Both of them are some of the…
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PAYDAY 2: An update and an apology

Hey everyone, The past few weeks have been some of the most challenging in the history of this community. Players have been angry with us, media have written about us en masse and our volunteer moderators went on strike. For all the distress we've caused the past few weeks, I'd just like to take the time and say that we’re sorry. We've done a lot of things right in the past, but these past few weeks we screwed up. We need to get better at many things, and we will…
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PAYDAY 2: The Weapon Balance Open Beta and Update 90.1 is live

Heisters, We're live with update 90.1 and the Weapon Balance open beta! Update 90.1 Weekend challenge completed You completed the weekend challenge before the weekend. We salute you! The Tormentor Mask is now available for all players! Update 90.1 changelog: Update 90.1 size: 25.1 MB Masks Added the Tormentor mask Weapon Balance Open Beta We have also gone live with an open beta. In this beta, we've added the weapon balance changes OVERKILL_Jules have been discussing with members of the community in the following thread on reddit: By giving…
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PAYDAY 2: Update 90 is live

Heisters! Update 90 is live. Update size 221.3 MB Go to to read it all! Due to popular demand, the Lab Rats heist is from now a permanent heist in PAYDAY 2, free for all to enjoy. We’ve added new functionality to weapon skins called Team Boosts. Read more about it on the website! The Completely OVERKILL content is here! Since the pack was announced, we’ve upgraded the deal to make it more sweet. Thanks again for your support. A new safe is unveiled! Introducing the Dallas safe,…
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PAYDAY 2: Open beta for Windows XP stability fixes

Heisters, The following is information regarding a voluntary beta test. Continue reading if you're interested in volunteering. What's this? The following is an invitation to an open beta focusing on stability fixes for Windows XP users. Windows XP users have been experiencing stability issues with PAYDAY 2 and we now have a potential fix for it in this beta. By testing this with us, we hope to add these changes to the live game as soon as possible. If it crashes while you play, you can find your crash dumps…
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