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Happy Chinese New Year

What's good, Heisters?To celebrate the Year of the Pig, PAYDAY 2 joins the Steam Lunar New Year Sale! Curious, reliable, patient and sometimes impulsive are just a few attributes that are connected to pigs but can also make a great Heister! Start your criminal career now by securing yourself the best deal out there! PAYDAY 2 on 50% and PAYDAY 2: Ultimate Edition on 80% discount until the 11th of February!Happiness and prosperity!OVERKILL_symNOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio. Via: Steam Community
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Update 197.2 and T-Shirt Winner

Hello HeistersToday we have an update with a crash fix and a few VR fixes. We are also adding three names to the secret plaque that were missed when the asset was created.T-Shirt ContestDuring crimefest we held a t-shirt competition, many good contributors sent us their designs and it was not easy to pick a winner. We finally choose a design to be held as our favorite. A user named Xieken created a wonderful splash-art style shirt biased on our favorite psychopath; Wolf. Hope you have a good 2019, heisters!OVERKILL_TobiasOVERKILL…
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Happy Heisting Holidays

Hello HeistersWe bring you a small Winter Holiday Update with some fixes, for example: tweaks to achievements and the White House chopper intro. There is alsoa tweak to the secret in there for all you solo player and heisting crews with less than four players. Veron LockeA month ago we asked you if you wanted to see an update to the Locke model to look like the voice actor, Ian Russell, who also played Locke in the films we created for Crimefest. The votes were almost 17 to 1 in…
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Update 196.2

Hello HeistersHere comes a small hotfix to a sync issue that was found in the release last week. The issue were related to players that played together from lobby.Keep those helmets flying.OVERKILL_TobiasOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Update 196.2 ChangelogUpdate size: 12.7 MBGeneralFixed a sync issue while fireing for players that joined each other in the lobby Via: Steam Community
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HOTFIX 196.1

Hello HeistersHere comes a hotfix to some issues that appeared in the release yesterday. There were two issues related to the achievement interface menu. We've seen some great response to both the masks and the Locke voting. If you haven't voted yet you can find the vote here: on Heisting, forsure!OVERKILL_TobiasOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Update 196.1 ChangelogUpdate size: 4.8 MBGeneralFixed a crash related to the achievements menu.Fixed a bug with a missing icon in the achievements menu. Via: Steam Community
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PAYDAY 2: Update 196

Hello Heisters!We bring another update today with some fixes and two new masks for the secret hunters out there. For anyone whoattempts to solve the secret puzzle after this update,will be rewarded with two awesome masks to hide your identity while you commit crimes around Washington. Those of you that are into the lore and story of PAYDAY will now be able to go back in Storyline Mode and re-read the text. (You will not be able to replay the missions within Storyline Mode.)Would you like an update for Locke?Have…
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Ogdon meet Starbreeze

Earlier this year we were visited by Ogdon who through the Make-A-Wish® has wished to visit us. He got to meet the team and was shown how Payday is built. As we showed him around the office as everyone was working on the later to be released content. If you want to read more about Ogdon’s visit and see the mask he designed. Please visit the site here.We wish all the best to Ogdon and his family,OVERKILL_TobiasOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Update 195 ChangelogUpdate size: 229.6 MBWeaponsXL 5.56 Microgun: Fixed a…
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Hello HeistersWe've seen a great Crimefest event come and go, and want to thank everyone that took part in making this event one to be remembered in the PAYDAY legacy.It's been wonderful to see how many of you joined the fight to free Bain from the clutches of Kataru, and pulled off the Greatest Heist of All ;)As PAYDAY 2 's main story has been successfully concluded, we now keep working on fixing bugs and polishing the game, for the near future.Across the office hallway, our brothers in arms have…
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OVERKILL Salutes You!

The final Crimefest has come to an end and we are so happy to see how many heisters have taken part over the last couple of days. It’s been amazing to see all the reactions you've posted on Reddit, Twitter and the Steam forums. We thank all the heisters that have joined us over the years for taking part in the game. It's been one hell of a ride!Stay frosty,PAYDAY 2 Dev TeamOVERKILL - a Starbreeze Studio.Update 194 ChangelogUpdate size: 1.3 GbGeneral;) Via: Steam Community
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