PAYDAY 2: John Wick Heists Day 1

What’s up Heisters?
Today is the first Day of the John Wick Heists. Yeah you heard right, it’s about time for heists, don’t you agree? So take a seat, lean back, grab your popcorn and enjoy the Trailer. These Heists is all about being quick on the draw, stealthy and that hitman efficiency.
Check out the website here[] to se the trailer. and for upcoming information about the heists. Excited for more action, stay tuned for Day 2!
John Wick Heists DLC is as usual filled with content with 2 heists, 2 songs, 1 ranged weapon, 1 melee weapon, masks, materials, patterns and achievements.
Also if you pre-order John Wick Chronicles you will get PAYDAY 2, John Wick weapon Pack DLC and The John Wick Heists DLC for free!
John Wick Chronicles lets you play as the legendary assassin John Wick, allowing you to pick up his iconic weapons and head into the world of hired guns – all in virtual reality.
In John Wick Chronicles you’ll dive into a whole new way to experience the action, as you’ll be a part of it – and not just someone who holds the controller.
Enter the Continental Hotel, and pick up your first mission.
Pre-order here
Watch the John wick Heists Trailer here:
Via: Steam Community