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PAYDAY 2: Day 2 and the Introduction of Bodhi

By 2015-12-02PAYDAY 2


Bodhi Joins the PAYDAY Gang!

Bodhi, a legendary heister has been personally invited by Bain to join the PAYDAY gang. The best part? He’s free for everyone in the PAYDAY 2 community.

The Man Behind the Mask

Bodhi is known as one of the greatest legends in world of crime, but few know the man behind the mask. As the founding father of the Ex-Presidents gang, Bodhi’s renowned in the criminal underworld for his extreme athleticism and daring heists. His recent feats of strength in Mumbai and Austria got Bain’s attention, granting him an invitation to the PAYDAY gang.


Check out the website!

Check the website here for all the info you need:

See you tomorrow for day 3 and the release of it all!


OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Via: Steam Community