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PAYDAY 2: Day 4 of the Road to Crimefest

By 2015-10-01PAYDAY 2


Hey all,

Day 4 – New challenges are here!

What is this?!

The fourth birthday of PAYDAY is fast approaching and with it, the PAYDAY gang once more set out on an epic adventure. This time, Bain provided them with details on what will lead them to uncovering more about Cagliostro, the legendary treasure hunter and heister of old myth.

Curious as to what they might find, the PAYDAY gang agreed to help Bain explore the dungeon he had located. Not knowing what challenges stood before them, onwards all of them still went. On the Road to Crimefest, who knows what treasures they might find in the deep, dark depths of the dungeon?

Learn more about the event by following the link:

Join the discussions

Update 78.3 changelog

Update size: 93.6 MB

  • Removed three twitter challenges and replaced them with in-game challenges
  • Added additional game statistics that we can track for the Road to Crimefest community event
  • Recounted the progress from the twitter challenges and added the progress to the new in-game challenges
  • The Road to Crimefest trailer has now been added ot the game
  • Added a red box that explains the issue with calculating experience in the Grind Fest challenge

Completely voluntary – regarding the voice actors

A lot of you reached out after last night’s decision to pull all twitter challenges, saying that you’d like to know who the voice actors are and how you can support them. In this day and age when voice actors are fighting for their rights and recognition, I know your support would mean a lot to them. An easy way to supporting them is following them on twitter and telling them how much you appreciate them. For our voice actors, I know it means the world to them to hear from you guys who enjoy their work. If you have a twitter account and you want to do this, feel free to follow any of the voice actors that have a twitter account below:

Voice of Dallas –

Face of Dallas –

Face and Voice of Chains –

Face and Voice of Houston –

Voice of Hoxton –

Face of Hoxton –

Voice of Bain (and all music) –

Face of Bain (web series) –

Face and Voice of Vlad –

Face and Voice of the Dentist –

Face and Voice of the Butcher –

Face and Voice of Jiro –

Voice of Bonnie –

Face and Voice of Dragan –

Voice of John Wick –

Voice and Face of Ilija the Sniper –

Voice and Face of Vlad’s brother-in-law and voice of Bubba the escape driver –

For those of you asking about the other voice actors, they don’t have twitter.

If you have any other creative way of showing your appreciation, feel free to do so. If you don’t feel like doing anything, that’s fine too.

Additional challenges will be released tomorrow, stay tuned!


OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.

Via: Steam Community