The fourth birthday of PAYDAY has come, and with it, Crimefest! Rejoice everyone as you for 10 days can bask in new features and free updates for PAYDAY 2.
Update size: 5.3 GB
- Fixed so that weapon statistic values are displayed correctly in the Inventory. There will be no longer be any rounding of numbers for all weapon statistics, except for the Concealment and the Threat statistic which will calculate the same as before
- Improved the layout of the Blackmarket Modification Menu
- Rebalanced all weapons to increase the player’s options when playing on higher difficulties. The overall weapon versatility is increased so that more weapons will fit more different playstyles
- Added so that Safes can be dropped in the Card Loot Drop screen after a successful heist
- Added the choice in Video Option to turn on and off seeing Weapon Skins in 3rd person. The option is called "Use HQ weapons"
- Added Steam Inventory to the game so that the player can see their Weapon Skins, Drills and Safes in the game
- Added a Weapon Skin tab to the Blackmarket Modification Menu
OVERKILL – a Starbreeze Studio.
Via: Steam Community